FastNet99 is a freeware Internet utility, designed for Windows 9x/NT.
Using FastNet99, you will speed up your web browser every time you want to connect to a web site on the Internet, by avoiding time consuming DNS lookups. If you have a Windows 9x/NT-based system that uses a TCP/IP stack to communicate, you can enjoy FastNet99.
Errors fixed:
- Running multiple instances of the application didn't work properly
- Closing the program with the Close button (on the Title bar) during some operations could cause nonpredictable errors
- The Default function (in the Options tab) didn't remove shortcuts on the desktop and in the startup folder
- The Elapsed Time displayed for any function didn't work properly
- Launching FastNet99 from the address toolbar causes a Run-time error "53" (File not found).
- Double clicking an entry in the URLs list sometimes went to the URL listed beneath it.
- Other minor bugs fixed
New features:
- Ping function
- IP Range Scanner
- URLs list shows the "URLs Aliases"
- Rename URLs function quite reviewed
- "Ignore List" function
- Explore IE cache function for checking whether selected URLs are in the Internet Explorer cache
- Edit as text: it's possible to choose your preferred editor
- Import and Export configuration
- "Tip of the Day" function
- Fonts button in order to choose fonts and colors of the URLs listview
- Standard menu bar
- Standard dockable toolbar
- Faster Duplicates function
- Report function: two separate listboxes show URLs whose IP addresses are changed or unchanged
- Report function: "Save to file" button for saving on file statistics of the activities done
- Added option to choose whether to show the Splash screen at startup
Future plannings:
- Traceroute function
- Whois function
- Finger function
- Time function
- Automatic "URLs Capture"
- Verify All of older URLs
- Email checker
- Filters in the Scan Bookmarks/History functions
- No special hardware is required.
- You need to have Windows 9x/NT installed on your computer.
- You need to have a TCP/IP network component installed. You can determine whether or not your system meets this requirement by running the "Network" Control Panel applet. If TCP/IP is installed, it will appear in the list of installed Network components.
- VB 6.0 run time files. You can download them at either of the following addresses:
This program is "Natureware". That is, if you are not poor, desperate or homeless, you are kindly requested to devote a little contribution to some organizations that protect Nature, everywhere in the world. If you agree, inform the author about your intentions.
If you like FastNet99, send an email to the author that includes: your name, nationality and email address (optional), how you learnt about FastNet99, how you like it, any bugs you have found, and any ways you might have thought of to improve it.
If you wish to be notified by email when new versions of FastNet99 come out, you can subscribe to my mailing list by filling out the form on my site.